- Section 41-20-1 Short title.
- Section 41-20-2 Definitions.
- Section 41-20-3 Specification of termination dates for certain agencies; date and procedure generally for termination of agencies not designated; committee's right to review and make recommendatio
- Section 41-20-4 Creation of select joint committee for review and evaluation of agencies; composition; selection of members; chairman; duties generally; submission of data and report of recommendation
- Section 41-20-5 Procedure for review and evaluation of agencies - Commencement and conclusion.
- Section 41-20-6 Procedure for review and evaluation of agencies - Public hearings and receipt of testimony generally; burden of establishing public need for continuation of agencies; information to be
- Section 41-20-7 Procedure for review and evaluation of agencies - Factors to be considered in determining public need for continuation of agencies generally.
- Section 41-20-8 Procedure for review and evaluation of agencies - Zero-based review and evaluation.
- Section 41-20-9 Procedure for review and evaluation of agencies - Furnishing of information by Department of Examiners of Public Accounts; Legislative Reference Service; and Legislative Fiscal Office.
- Section 41-20-10 Debate and voting upon recommendations as to continuance or termination of agencies.
- Section 41-20-11 Requirement as to bill continuing, modifying or reestablishing agencies.
- Section 41-20-12 Cessation of affairs of agencies terminated; abolition of personnel positions and reversion to state of unexpended funds; expiration of licenses; penalties unenforceable.
- Section 41-20-14 Effect of termination of agency upon claims or rights against said agency; payment of unsettled accounts.
- Section 41-20-15 Utilization of principles of zero-based review and evaluation by Governor in preparation of budget.
- Section 41-20-16 Construction of chapter.