Section 41-10-312 Specifications and priority of bonds.

Section 41-10-312

Specifications and priority of bonds.

Any bonds of the authority may be executed and delivered by it at any time and from time to time, shall be in such form and denominations and of such tenor and maturities, shall bear such rate or rates of interest, fixed or floating, payable and evidenced in such manner, may contain provisions for redemption prior to maturity and may contain other provisions not inconsistent with this section, all as may be provided by the resolution of the board of directors whereunder such bonds are authorized to be issued; provided that no bond of the authority shall have a specified maturity date later than 30 years after its date. In the event that the authority shall make more than one pledge of the same revenues, such pledges shall, unless otherwise provided in the resolution or resolutions authorizing the earlier issued bonds, take precedence in the order of the adoption of the resolutions in which the pledges are made; provided, that each pledge for the benefit of refunding bonds shall have the same priority as the pledge for the benefit of the bonds refunded thereby.

(Acts 1986, No. 86-546, p.1093, §13.)