Section 36-7-20 Allowances for expenses other than transportation of persons traveling within state.

Section 36-7-20

Allowances for expenses other than transportation of persons traveling within state.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in Section 36-7-21, the amount allowable to a person traveling inside the State of Alabama in the service of the state or any of its departments, institutions, boards, bureaus, commissions, councils, committees, or other like agencies for expenses other than transportation may be fixed by the Governor at not less than seventy-five dollars ($75) per day, and this amount shall be uniform in operation as to all persons traveling within the state on official business.

(b) No travel allowance shall be paid for a trip of less than six hours' duration. For travel which does not require an overnight stay, the traveler shall be paid a meal allowance of 15 percent of the regular per diem rate for a trip of from six to 12 hours' duration, and for travel in excess of 12 hours' duration, the traveler shall be paid one meal allowance and one-fourth of the per diem allowance.

(c) The per diem allowance shall not be paid to an employee stationed at the same place in the state for a period in excess of two consecutive months. After two consecutive months the amount of the allowance shall be reduced to 75 percent of the regular per diem rate per day. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this section shall not apply to officers and employees of the State of Alabama when they incur expenses representing the State of Alabama in the encouragement and promotion of trade or industrial development. On those occasions, when the representation is properly approved, those persons shall be reimbursed for the actual expenses incurred and paid by them if the representation is approved in advance in writing by the Governor or by the Director of Finance when so designated by the Governor.

(d) This section shall not apply to examiners or other persons designated by the Commissioner of Insurance to examine or cause to be examined the domestic insurance corporations qualified in this state when the expense incurred by those persons shall be paid by, collected, or received from the corporations examined under Section 27-2-25.

(e) This section shall be optional with the employing agency in those instances where the employee is required to attend training sessions, schools, seminars, or other like group functions at a facility when it would serve the best interests of both the state and the employee, or in those instances when the employee is assigned to assist in suppressing on-going natural disaster situations, or other emergencies. In those cases, the cost of meals and per diem may be paid as set forth herein or by the employing agency of the state directly to the contract facility furnishing the service, but the costs of these services shall not exceed the amount allowable to the individual employee for in-state travel.

(f) For purposes of applying this section to members of the Legislature, each of the following shall apply:

(1) The presiding officer of the house to which the member belongs shall determine if the travel is in the service of the state.

(2) In connection with the same travel, members of the Legislature shall receive per diem under this section except in either of the following instances:

a. For attendance on special or regular session days or committee meeting days of the Legislature when otherwise compensated pursuant to law.

b. For attendance on interim committee meeting days of the Legislature when otherwise compensated pursuant to law.

(3) Travel means a departure from the place of residence of the member of the Legislature.

(Acts 1969, No. 470, p. 912, §1; Acts 1973, No. 1074, p. 1828, §1; Acts 1975, 4th Ex. Sess., No. 131, p. 2853, §1; Acts 1979, No. 79-669, p. 1178, §1; Acts 1983, No. 83-614, p. 951, §1; Acts 1987, No. 87-823, p. 1659, §1; Acts 1991, No. 91-564, p. 1044, §1; Acts 1994, No. 94-643, p. 1209, §1; Act 98-254, p. 420, §1; Act 2005-251, 1st Sp. Sess., p. 462, §1; Act 2006-523, p. 1217, §1.)