Section 31-2-117 Dispersion of mob, etc. - Authority to act to disperse mob, etc.

Section 31-2-117

Dispersion of mob, etc. - Authority to act to disperse mob, etc.

After any person or persons composing or taking part, or about to take part, in any riot, mob, rout, assault or unlawful combination or assembly mentioned in this chapter shall have been duly commanded to disperse or where the circumstances are such that no such command is required under the provisions of this chapter, the commander in charge of such military forces, within the limits provided in his instructions, shall take such steps and make such disposition for the arrest, dispersion or quelling of the persons composing or taking part in such mob, riot, tumult, outbreak or unlawful combination or assembly mentioned in this chapter as may be deemed requisite to that end, and, if, in doing so, any person is killed, wounded or otherwise injured, or any property injured or destroyed by any officer or member of the National Guard or other person lawfully aiding them, such members of the National Guard or other persons lawfully aiding them shall be held guiltless in all cases, unless such killing, wounding or injury to person or injury or destruction of property was wanton or malicious and without any seeming necessity or excuse.

(Acts 1936, Ex. Sess., No. 143, p. 105; Code 1940, T. 35, §165; Acts 1973, No. 1038, p. 1572, §118.)