Section 30-4-15 Married women and widows 18 years of age and over relieved of disabilities of minority.
Section 30-4-15
Married women and widows 18 years of age and over relieved of disabilities of minority.
The marriage of any woman in this state who is under 19 and over 18 years of age, or the widowhood of any woman in this state who is under 19 and over 18 years of age, or the arrival at the age of 18 years of any married woman or widow in this state, has the effect immediately to remove her or their disabilities of minority; and thereafter she has the same legal rights and abilities as married women or widows over 19 years of age.
(Code 1896, §2531; Code 1907, §4499; Code 1923, §8274; Acts 1927, No. 414, p. 482; Code 1940, T. 34, §76.)