Section 23-1-32 Offices; director full-time position.

Section 23-1-32

Offices; director full-time position.

The State Department of Transportation shall be provided with suitable offices at the State Capitol or such other places as the needs of the department may require, but no office in any other place than the Capitol shall be established as an office of said department without the consent and approval of the Governor in writing. All offices shall be kept open at such times as the business of the department and the convenience and interest of the public may require. The offices shall be conveniently and properly furnished at the expense of the state and shall be the depository for all records of the State Department of Transportation. The Director of Transportation shall give his entire time to the duties of his office.

(Code 1923, §1306; Acts 1927, No. 347, p. 348; Acts 1931, No. 10, p. 7; Code 1940, T. 23, §7; Act 2001-344, p. 446, §1.)