Section 22-27-48 Implementation of plans.

Section 22-27-48

Implementation of plans.

(a) In addition to any regulatory bodies, the governing body of a county or municipality has a responsibility for and the authority to assure the proper management of solid wastes generated within its jurisdiction in accord with its solid waste management plan. A governing body may assign territories and approve or disapprove disposal sites in its jurisdiction in accord with the plan approved for its jurisdiction. Such approval or disapproval of services or activities described in the local plan shall be in addition to any other approvals required from other regulatory authorities and shall be made prior to any other approvals necessary for the provision of such services, the development of a proposed facility or the modification of permits for existing facilities. The department may not consider an application for a new or modified permit for a facility unless such application has received approval by the affected unit of local government having an approved plan.

In determining whether to recommend approval of the proposed issuance of or modification of a new or existing solid waste management site, the governing body shall consider each of the following:

(1) The consistency of the proposal with the jurisdiction's solid waste management need as identified in its plan;

(2) The relationship of the proposal to local planned or existing development or the absence thereof, to major transportation arteries and to existing state primary and secondary roads;

(3) The location of a proposed facility in relationship to existing industries in the state that generate large volumes of solid waste, or the relationship to the areas projected for development of industries that will generate solid waste;

(4) Costs and availability of public services, facilities and improvements required to support a proposed facility and protect public health, safety and the environment;

(5) The impact of a proposed facility on public safety and provisions made to minimize the impact on public health and safety; and

(6) The social and economic impacts of a proposed facility on the affected community, including changes in property values, and social or community perception.

The application of the plan for local approval shall be accompanied by an application fee payable to the local governing body in an amount equal to 20 percent of the application or permit fee required by the department, but local approval shall not apply to simple renewals of a permit which is to be otherwise unchanged. Further, there shall be no requirement for local review and approval of permit modifications for the limited purposes of changing liner and leachate collection design, changes in waste streams from within the facility's designated service area, changes in sequence of fill, changes to incorporate new technology and changes intended to bring a facility into compliance with statutes and regulations. A renewed application for local approval submitted within 18 months of an application being denied or rejected by the local governing body shall be accompanied by an application fee payable to the local governing body in an amount equal to 50 percent of the application or permit fee required by the department.

Any determination by the local governing body of the proposed issuance of or modification of a permit for a new or existing solid waste management site or the proposal to contract for any services described in the solid waste management plan, shall be made in a public meeting only after public notice of such application or proposal and an opportunity for public comment is provided.

In providing public notice of any application or proposal regarding any services described in the solid waste management plan, the local government shall at a minimum hold at least one public hearing thereon, notice of the time and place of which shall be given by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality and in the official gazette, if any, of the jurisdiction. Furthermore, such notice shall be given at least 30 days but not more than 45 days prior to the proposed date of the hearing. Each notice published in compliance with this section shall contain at a minimum a description of the proposed action to be considered, its relevance to and consistency with the local solid waste management plan and shall identify a contact person from whom interested persons can obtain additional information and can review copies of both the local plan and the application or proposal to be considered. All pertinent documents shall be available for inspection during normal business hours at a location readily accessible to the public. Within 90 days of receiving an application or proposal, the local governing body shall either approve the application or deny the application setting forth the reasons therefor. The failure of the local governing body to act on the proposal within 90 days of receiving the application shall constitute approval by the local governing body.

(b) Following local review and approval of any proposal regarding services or activities described in the local solid waste management plan, the applicant shall obtain a statement of consistency from the regional planning and development commission. Therein, the commission shall evaluate the proposal using the provisions of the current regional solid waste management needs assessment. In particular, the regional commission shall evaluate the proposal as it relates to available existing capacity within the region and the projected lifetime of such capacity. The evaluation shall also identify any proposed capacity which is in excess of expected regional needs. No statement of consistency shall be required for contracts exclusively for the collection or transportation of solid wastes.

(c) Plans required by this section shall not apply to industrial landfills receiving wastes generated on site only or by the permittee.

(Acts 1989, No. 89-824, p. 1638, §9; Act 2006-534, p. 1228, §1.)