Section 22-11A-118 Health Care Data Advisory Council.
Section 22-11A-118
Health Care Data Advisory Council.
(a) There is established the Health Care Data Advisory Council to assist in developing regulations and standards necessary to implement the provisions of this article, to review and serve as consultants to the board on matters related to any reports or publications prior to a report or publication release and to serve as consultants to the board on matters relating to the protection, collection, and dissemination of health care facility acquired infection data.
(b) The council shall consist of 18 members and be constituted in the following manner:
(1) Six hospital members to be appointed by the Alabama Hospital Association, two of which shall be infection control professionals.
(2) Three members to be appointed by the Medical Association of the State of Alabama.
(3) Two members to be appointed by the Business Council of Alabama, at least one of whom represents a small business, all of whom are purchasers of health care, and none of whom are primarily involved in the provision of health care or health insurance.
(4) One member to be appointed by the Mineral District Society.
(5) One consumer member who is not a health care professional or does not provide health insurance or an agent thereof to be appointed by the Governor.
(6) One member to be appointed by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama.
(7) One member to be appointed by the Alabama Association of Health Plans.
(8) One member to be appointed by the State Health Officer who is an active member of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control, licensed to practice in the State of Alabama, and currently practicing in a clinical setting.
(9) One member to be appointed by the Public Education Employees' Health Insurance Board.
(10) One member to be appointed by the State Employees' Insurance Board.
(11) The State Health Officer shall act as chair of the board, without a vote, except where there is a tie vote of the other board members present at a meeting.
(c) The council membership shall reflect the racial, gender, geographic, urban and rural, and economic diversity of the state.
(d) The terms of the appointed members shall be staggered as follows: The State Health Officer shall divide the members into two equal groups. The members of the first group shall be appointed for an initial term of two years. The members of the second group shall be appointed for an initial term of four years. Thereafter, the term of office of each member shall be for four years. A member may serve two consecutive terms. A member shall serve until a successor is appointed. If a vacancy occurs, the original appointing authority shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(e) The council shall meet within 30 days after the appointment of the council membership and establish procedures and other policies necessary to carry on the business of the council. A quorum shall be a majority of the appointed members. All meetings of the council shall be announced in advance and conducted pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, found at Section 36-25A-1, et seq.
(f) The members of the council shall not receive a salary or per diem allowance for serving as members of the council, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of the duties of the office at the same rate allowed state employees pursuant to general law.
(g) The council may appoint a technical advisory committee if desired. The technical advisory committee members do not have to be members of the council.
(h) The State Health Officer or his or her designee shall be an ex officio member and chair of the board without vote, except where there is a tie vote of the other board members present at a meeting.
(Act 2009-490, §9.)