Section 17-16-52 Contest of senator or representative in Legislature - Depositions returned.
Section 17-16-52
Contest of senator or representative in Legislature - Depositions returned.
The commissioner must carefully envelop the depositions taken, with the commission attached, writing his or her name across the sealing of the envelope and endorsing thereon the names of the witnesses and the title and subject matter of the contest, and direct the envelope to the clerk issuing the commission, and must, within five days after taking the deposition, file the same with the clerk, or transmit the same by mail through the nearest post office. The clerk, within five days after the taking of testimony has been finished and the depositions received in his or her office, must make and certify under the seal of the court a true and correct copy of the statement of the grounds of contest and of return of service thereon, and must enclose the same with the depositions so taken and filed in his or her office, and must securely envelop the same, endorsing thereon the title and subject matter of the contest, and direct the package to the presiding officer of that branch of the Legislature before which the contest is to be tried, at the seat of government and deposit the same, postage paid, in the nearest post office.
(Code 1896, §1691; Code 1907, §465; Code 1923, §555; Code 1940, T. 17, §241; §17-15-25; amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §83.)