Section 17-13-79 Contestant to notify contestee of votes sought to be proved illegal.
Section 17-13-79
Contestant to notify contestee of votes sought to be proved illegal.
No testimony shall be received of any illegal votes or of the rejection of any legal votes in any contest commenced under this article unless the party complaining thereof has given to the adverse party notice in writing of the number of illegal votes and by whom given, for whom given, and at what precinct or voting place cast, or the number of legal votes rejected, by whom offered, and at what precinct or voting place they were not allowed to be cast, which he or she expects to prove on the trial. Such notice shall be served personally or left at the residence or usual place of business of the adverse party at least five days before the taking of the testimony in reference to such votes.
(Acts 1931, No. 56, p. 73; Code 1940, T. 17, §379; §17-16-79; amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §63.)