- Section 16-54-1 Name; powers generally.
- Section 16-54-2 Board of trustees.
- Section 16-54-3 Purpose; mission.
- Section 16-54-4 Degrees and diplomas.
- Section 16-54-5 President.
- Section 16-54-6 Faculty and staff.
- Section 16-54-7 Secretary of trustees and university.
- Section 16-54-8 Treasurer - Generally; bond.
- Section 16-54-9 Treasurer - Removal.
- Section 16-54-10 Records of transactions required.
- Section 16-54-11 Who may be admitted.
- Section 16-54-12 Property exempt from taxes; employees exempt from town license taxes.
- Section 16-54-13 Student assistants.
- Section 16-54-13.1 Employment, powers, and duties of university police officers.
- Section 16-54-13.2 Enforcement of fire protection and prevention laws, etc., by Fire Marshal.
- Section 16-54-14 Grants and rights preserved.
- Section 16-54-15 Condemnation of lands or interests therein.
- Section 16-54-16 Lease or disposal of lands, including lands received by federal grant; proceeds to be paid into restricted endowment.
- Section 16-54-17 Disposition of proceeds and income from sale or lease of nonfederally granted lands.
- Section 16-54-18 Fund previously generated by proceeds from lands dedicated to university to be deposited in Restricted Endowment Fund; provisions for payment of remaining principal over five-year-per