Section 16-5-4 Organization; chairperson; meetings, quorum, agenda, etc.; expenses; executive director and employees; retirement system.
Section 16-5-4
Organization; chairperson; meetings, quorum, agenda, etc.; expenses; executive director and employees; retirement system.
(a) The commission shall elect annually from its own members a chairperson and such other officers as it deems desirable and shall adopt rules for its organization in the conduct of its business.
(b) The commission shall hold regular meetings at such times as are specified in its rules. Special or additional meetings may be held on call of the chairperson, or upon a call signed by at least six members, or upon call of the Governor. The commission is encouraged to meet as often as seems desirable on the campuses of institutions of higher education in the state. The commission shall meet at least once every three months. A majority of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum at all its meetings but the approval of a new unit or program of instruction, or a new public institution of higher education, or the recommendation for a new unit of research or public service as provided in Section 16-5-8, shall require the concurrence of a majority of all the members of the commission. An agenda for the meetings in sufficient detail to indicate the terms on which final action is contemplated shall be mailed to the chairperson of each governing board and to the chief administrative officer of each public institution of higher education at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Any public institution of postsecondary education or the State Board of Education may place an item for discussion on the agenda of the next commission meeting by informing the executive director of the commission, in writing, of such request at least three weeks prior to the meeting.
(c) Members of the commission shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(d) The commission may appoint a highly qualified person as its executive director who shall, with the consent and approval of the commission, select and supervise the commission's staff and perform such other duties as may be delegated to the executive director by the commission, within the amounts made available for the operation of the commission. The appointment of the executive director shall be subject to confirmation by the Senate. Failure of the Senate to confirm the executive director shall result in his or her dismissal within 90 days thereafter.
(e) The executive director shall, with the consent and approval of the commission, employ professional and clerical staff and other assistants, including specialists and consultants, upon a full-time or part-time basis as are necessary to assist the commission and the executive director in performing the duties assigned by this chapter. The number of employees, their compensation, and the other expenditures of the commission shall be within the limits and in compliance with the appropriation made therefor by the Legislature and within budgets that shall be approved from time to time by the commission.
(f) All full-time employees of the commission shall be eligible to participate in the state Teachers' Retirement System.
(Acts 1969, Ex. Sess., No. 14, p. 28, §4; Acts 1979, No. 79-461, p. 816, §4; Acts 1996, No. 96-497, p. 627, §1.)