Section 16-18B-1 Legislative findings.

Section 16-18B-1

Legislative findings.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares that it is necessary, desirable, and in the public interest that the state provide adequate forensic sciences laboratories and educational facilities for the provision of instruction and research in the field of forensic sciences. It is the intention of the Legislature by the passage of this article to authorize the formation of a public corporation for the purposes of providing for the acquisition, provision, construction, improvement, renovation, equipping, and maintenance of such facilities and to authorize the corporation to provide for payment of the costs of accomplishing the stated purposes by implementing that certain constitutional amendment authorizing the issuance by the state of up to $17,500,000 principal amount of its general obligation bonds, which amendment was proposed by Act 98-337, and by issuing and selling for the state, subject to the approval of the Governor, interest bearing general obligation bonds of the state not in excess of $17,500,000 in principal amount, as authorized by said constitutional amendment.

(Act 98-391, p. 771, §1.)