Section 14-3-35 Information regarding convict; search of convict's baggage and person.
Section 14-3-35
Information regarding convict; search of convict's baggage and person.
It is the duty of the Board of Corrections, upon the reception of any convict into the penitentiary, to take his height, name, age, complexion, color of his hair and eyes, fingerprints, photograph, the place of his birth, the county in which he was convicted, the nature of the crime and the period of imprisonment, all of which, together with the statement of the time when such convict was received, must be entered upon a permanent record. The baggage and person of every convict must be carefully searched, and every instrument by which he may effect his escape shall be taken therefrom.
(Code 1852, §328; Code 1867, §3876; Code 1876, §4574; Code 1886, §4613; Code 1896, §4465; Code 1907, §6517; Code 1923, §3613; Code 1940, T. 45, §30.)