Form 120ES Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment
State: Arizona Category: Tax Format: PDF Form Name: Arizona.120ES.Corporation.Estimated.Tax.2013.pdf |
(The pdf reader is necessary.) |
Arizona corporations which file forms 99T, 120, 120A and 120S are required to make estimated tax payments using a form 120ES. This document can be obtained from the website maintained by the Arizona Department of Revenue.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 1: In the first blank line, enter the year for which you are filing this estimated tax payment.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 2: If this is the first year you are filing a tax return under this name and employer identification number (EIN), check the box where indicated.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 3: If your name, address or EIN has changed, check the box where indicated.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 4: If your EIN has changed, enter the previous number where indicated.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 5: Enter the number of the payment where indicated.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 6: In the first box, enter the name of your firm exactly as it will appear on your tax return.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 7: In the second box, enter your EIN.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 8: In the third box, enter your street address or P.O. box number.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 9: In the fourth box, enter your business telephone number.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 10: In the fifth box, enter the continuation of your address if necessary.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 11: In the sixth box, enter your city, state and zip code.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 12: Where indicated, enter the amount of the payment enclosed with this form. Your payment must be rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 13: Write a check for the amount required. Make the check payable to "Arizona Department of Revenue." Include your EIN on the check.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 14: Detach the form from the instructions at the bottom of the page.
Arizona Corporation Estimated Tax Payment 120ES Step 15: Mail the form and payment to the address given at the bottom of the form.
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