
A person to whom a landlord grants temporary and exclusive use of land or a part of a building, usually in exchange for rent.


An unconditional offer of a party to contract to perform their part of the bargain.


Property that could be subject to easements.

Tenth Amendment

a part of the Bill of Rights, provides that any power not reserved for the federal government and not prohibited to be acted upon by the States is left to the governing body of each state or the people


A right of holding or occupying land or a position for a certain amount of time.

Terminal Year

A portion of a calendar year from and including January 1 to a person's date of death.


Violence against a civilian intended to intimidate a population or a government from taking or abstaining from an act.


The signatory of a valid will.


The oral or written evidence of a witness in a judicial proceeding, such as a trial.


To steal an item of property