
A sentence of a person found guilty of a crime in which that person does not receive a criminal record of conviction, either absolutely or conditionally.


1) the act of uncovering something 2) the period before the trial that includes the requesting of pertinent documents and facts from the opposing party or other bodies necessary to the case

Discretionary Trust

A trust in which the settlor has given the trustee full discretion to decide which (and when) members of a group of beneficiaries is to receive either the income or the capital of the trust.


A distinction based on the individual characteristics of a person resulting in some disadvantage to that individual.


A term of maritime law where an officer or other seaman is either demoted in rank or deprived of a promotion.


To disagree. The word is used in legal circles to refer to the minority opinion of a judge which runs contrary to the conclusions of the majority.


The act of ending, terminating or winding-up a company or state of affairs.


The right of a landlord to seize the property of a tenant which is in the premises being rented, as collateral against a tenant that has not paid the rent or has otherwise defaulted on 
the lease, such as wanton disrepair or destruction of the premises.


A common law remedy available to landlords to hold the tenant's belongings while the tenant is behind on rent but continues to occupy the premises.

District Attorney

An attorney responsible for prosecuting criminal charges on behalf of the government.