Search Results

Case name Citation Summary
National Broadcasting Co. Inc. v. United States 1943 regulation of broadcasting networks
Douglas v. City of Jeannette 1943 restraint of criminal prosecution for violation of ordinance disputed in Murdock v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania--decided same day as Jones v. City of Opelika II
Martin v. Struthers 1943 law prohibiting the distribution of handbills door-to-door violated the First Amendment rights of a Jehovah's Witness--decided same day as Jones v. City of Opelika II
Murdock v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1943 licensing fee for door-to-door solicitors was an unconstitutional tax on the Jehovah's Witnesses' right to freely exercise their religion—decided same day as Jones v. City of Opelika II
Jones v. City of Opelika II 1943 Overruling Jones v. City of Opelika I on rehearing
Largent v. State of Texas 1943 city ordinance requiring permits in order to solicit orders for books is unconstitutional as applied to the distribution of religious publications
Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 1943 Negotiable instruments, Federal common law
Parker v. Brown 1943 Parker immunity doctrine in United States antitrust law
Williams et al. v. State of North Carolina 1942 Divorce and marriage recognition between states
Wickard v. Filburn 1942 Commerce Clause
Ex parte Quirin 1942 military tribunals for enemy spies
Jones v. City of Opelika I 1942 holding a statute prohibiting the sale of books without a license was constitutional
Skinner v. Oklahoma 1942 compulsory sterilization, eugenics
Betts v. Brady 1942 due process, incorporation
United States v. Univis Lens Co. 1942 exhaustion doctrine under U.S. patent law and its relation to price fixing
Valentine v. Chrestensen 1942 holding that commercial speech is unprotected by the 1st Amendment
Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire 1942 fighting words
Lisenba v. People of State of California 1941 death penalty
Edwards v. California 1941 Commerce Clause, privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment
United States v. Classic 1941 power of the federal government to regulate primary elections