Search Results

Case name Citation Summary
Ray v. Blair 1952 state rights in the electoral college
Frisbie v. Collins 1952 kidnapping of fugitives by state officials is constitutional
Perkins v. Benguet Mining Co. 1952 general personal jurisdiction over a business that was temporarily based in the court's jurisdiction
Morissette v. United States 1952 strict liability offenses
Rochin v. California 1952 restriction of police power
Stack v. Boyle 1951 defines excessive bail
Dennis v. United States 1951 First Amendment and the Smith Act
Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee v. McGrath 1951 freedom of association
Canton Railroad Company v. Rogan 1951 Maryland's franchise tax on imported and exported goods held not to violate the Import-Export Clause of the United States Constitution
Universal Camera Corp. v. NLRB 1951 judicial review of agency decisions
Dean Milk Co. v. City of Madison, Wisconsin 1951 Dormant Commerce Clause
Feiner v. New York 1951 Free speech v. public safety--decided same day as Kunz v. New York
Kunz v. New York 1951 free speech restrictions must be "narrowly tailored"
Kiefer-Stewart Co. v. Seagram & Sons, Inc. 1951 agreement among competitors in interstate commerce to fix maximum resale prices of their products violates the Sherman Act
Feres v. United States 1950 Military exception to government liability under the Federal Tort Claims Act
Henderson v. United States 1950 ending segregation in railroad dining cars
Johnson v. Eisenträger 1950 jurisdiction of U.S. civilian courts over nonresident enemy aliens; habeas corpus
McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents 1950 Fourteenth Amendment, segregation
Sweatt v. Painter 1950 segregation, separate but equal
Graver Tank & Manufacturing Co. v. Linde Air Products Co. 1950 patent law, doctrine of equivalents