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Case name Citation Summary
Reed v. Reed 1971 extended Fourteenth Amendment rights to women[note 1] ^ Reed v. Reed - Significance, Notable Trials and Court Cases - 1963 to 1972
New York Times Co. v. United States 1971 freedom of the press, national security, Pentagon Papers
Clay v. United States 1971 Since the Appeal Board gave no reason for the denial of a conscientious objector exemption, petitioner's conviction must be reversed
Lemon v. Kurtzman 1971 laws without a secular purpose violate the Establishment Clause
Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents 1971 implied right of action in the Fourth Amendment
Cohen v. California 1971 freedom of speech, fighting words/obscenity, “fuck the draft”
Coates v. Cincinnati 1971 criminal offenses on sidewalk
United States v. Thirty-seven Photographs 1971 Constitutionality of ban on importation of obscene material
California v. Byers 1971 Statute requiring drivers to provide personal information at the scene of an accident does not infringe on one's Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination
Richardson v. Perales 1971 physicians' written reports of medical examinations of a disability claimant could constitute "substantial evidence" supportive of finding nondisability under the Social Security Act.
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education 1971 use of busing for school desegregation
Haywood v. National Basketball Association 1971 Sherman Antitrust Act applied to the NBA
Griggs v. Duke Power Co. 1971 employment discrimination; disparate effect of employer practices
Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe 1971 judicial review of administrative agency actions
Younger v. Harris 1971 abstention doctrine
In re Stolar 1971 a state cannot require bar applicants to list every organization he or she belonged to since starting law school--decided same day as Baird v. State Bar of Arizona
Baird v. State Bar of Arizona 1971 states cannot ban people from legal practice due to Communist party membership
Massachusetts v. Laird 1970 Court declined to hear a case related to the Constitutionality of the Vietnam War
Oregon v. Mitchell 1970 age and voting rights in state elections
North Carolina v. Alford 1970 guilty plea in criminal case