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Case name Citation Summary
Katzenbach v. Morgan 1966 voting rights, Section 5 power
Federal Trade Commission v. Dean Foods Co. 1966 federal agencies can use the All Writs Act to seek an injunction against a threatened action that will substantially interfere with the agency’s performance of its statutory duty
Miranda v. Arizona 1966 self-incrimination (“right to remain silent”)
Sheppard v. Maxwell 1966 the Sam Sheppard case, defendant's right to a fair trial vs. freedom of the press
United States v. Price 1966 the Mississippi civil rights workers murders
United Mine Workers of America v. Gibbs 1966 federal court jurisdiction over pendent claims
Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections 1966 poll taxes are unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause
Memoirs v. Massachusetts 1966
South Carolina v. Katzenbach 1966 Voting Rights Act, Fifteenth Amendment
Brown v. Louisiana 1966 first amendment, right to protest
Baxstrom v. Herold 1966 Prisoners committed to civil mental institutions have a right to a hearing to determine whether or not they are in fact mentally disordered.
Graham v. John Deere Co. 1966 nonobviousness as a condition of patentability
Albertson v. Subversive Activities Control Board 1965 Communist Party of the United States of America members could not be required to register with the government under the Fifth Amendment
Lamont v. Postmaster General 1965 Declared unconstitutional a Federal statute requiring that addressees of "Communist political propaganda" affirmatively indicate their request to receive such mailings
Estes v. Texas 1965 overturning Billy Sol Estes conviction on 14th Amendment due process grounds due to pretrial publicity
Griswold v. Connecticut 1965 privacy, birth control
One 1958 Plymouth Sedan v. Pennsylvania 1965 evidence that is obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment may not be relied on to sustain a civil forfeiture
Griffin v. California 1965 prosecutor commenting on a defendant's refusal to testify violates the defendant's Fifth Amendment rights
Harman v. Forssenius 1965 Virginia's partial repeal of the poll tax violated 24th Amendment
Dombrowski v. Pfister 1965 federal injunction against state criminal trial for subversion