Search Results

Case name Citation Summary
Williams v. Florida 1970 twelve-man jury
Rowan v. U. S. Post Office Dept. 1970 addressees have unreviewable discretion to refuse further mail from a given sender; senders don't have a Constitutional right to send keep someone on a mailing list for unwanted mail
Walz v. Tax Commission of the City of New York 1970 tax exemption for churches
Ashe v. Swenson 1970 same as in Waller v. Florida, above
Waller v. Florida 1970 collateral estoppel as applied to the same factual situation in criminal trials, double jeopardy
In re Winship 1970 when a juvenile is charged with an act which would be a crime if committed by an adult, every element of the offense must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt
Goldberg v. Kelly 1970 procedural due process, hearing requirement
Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education 1969 delays in school desegregation
Anderson's-Black Rock, Inc. v. Pavement Salvage Co. 1969 standard of nonobviousness in United States patent law
Benton v. Maryland 1969 double jeopardy
Chimel v. California 1969 search and seizure incident to arrest
Lear, Inc. v. Adkins 1969 overturning the doctrine of licensee estoppel in U.S. patent law
Kramer v. Union School District 1969 right to vote in a special election district
Powell v. McCormack 1969 political question doctrine, justiciability
Brandenburg v. Ohio 1969 freedom of speech, incitement to riot
Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC 1969 Fairness Doctrine, broadcaster responsibilities, freedom of speech
Leary v. United States 1969 Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 ruled unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment
Shapiro v. Thompson 1969 Right to travel
Street v. New York 1969 free speech and flag burning
Stanley v. Georgia 1969 private possession of obscene material protected under First Amendment