Search Results

Case name Citation Summary
Hanna v. Plumer 1965 interpretation of the Erie doctrine, Civil Procedure
Swain v. Alabama 1965 use of struck jury
United States v. Seeger 1965 definition of religion for a military draft exemption
Freedman v. Maryland 1965 First Amendment, motion picture censorship
Cox v. Louisiana 1965 First Amendment, "breach of the peace" statutes
Stanford v. Texas 1965 Fourth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, Unconstitutionality of State issued general warrants
Katzenbach v. McClung 1964 civil rights and interstate commerce, decided same day as Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States 1964 interstate commerce, civil rights, public accommodations
McLaughlin v. Florida 1964 striking down an anti-miscegenation law aimed at prevent cohabitation of interracial couples
Beck v. Ohio 1964 probable cause and searches incident to a lawful arrest
Cooper v. Pate 1964 The court ruled for the first time that state prison inmates have the standing to sue in federal court to address their grievances under the Civil Rights Act of 1871.
Escobedo v. Illinois 1964 right to remain silent
United States v. Continental Can Co. 1964
Bouie v. City of Columbia 1964 due process and ex post facto law
Bell v. Maryland 1964 segregation protests
Quantity of Books v. Kansas 1964 Seizure of allegedly obscene materials requires prior adversary hearing
Jacobellis v. Ohio 1964 "I know [obscenity] when I see it[.]" – Justice Potter Stewart
Robinson v. Florida 1964 segregation protests
Barr v. City of Columbia 1964 due process and ex post facto law
Griffin v. Maryland 1964 segregation protests