Search Results

Case name Citation Summary
Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham 1969 overbreadth of local ordinance used by city officials to ban civil rights march
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District 1969 freedom of speech in public schools
Epperson v. Arkansas 1968 religiously motivated state law prohibiting the teaching of evolution in publicly funded schools
Jones v. Mayer 1968 housing discrimination
Mancusi v. DeForte 1968 Court: United States Court of Appeals
Fourth Amendment allows reasonable expectation of privacy to exist at workplace
King v. Smith 1968 Aid to Families with Dependent Children cannot be denied to families of qualifying children based on a substitute father
United States v. Southwestern Cable Co. 1968 Administrative law
Flast v. Cohen 1968 taxpayer standing
Terry v. Ohio 1968 search and seizure, power of police to stop and frisk suspicious persons
Pickering v. Board of Education 1968 public employees' free speech rights
Witherspoon v. Illinois 1968 constitutional status of a death-qualified jury
Green v. County School Board of New Kent County 1968 "freedom-of-choice" desegregation plan held unconstitutional
Menominee Tribe v. United States 1968 Tribal hunting and fishing rights, treaty interpretation
United States v. O'Brien 1968 free speech, burning draft cards
Duncan v. Louisiana 1968 selective incorporation, trial by jury
Levy v. Louisiana 1968 An illegitimate child may still sue on behalf of a deceased parent; to deny them this right violates the Fourteenth Amendment
Ginsberg v. New York 1968 States can prohibit sale of obscene material to minors
Avery v. Midland County 1968 local government districts must conform to "one man, one vote"
Albrecht v. Herald Co. 1968 minimum price agreements between wholesalers and franchisees unlawful under the Sherman Act
Provident Tradesmens Bank & Trust Co. v. Patterson 1968 Court: United States Court of Appeals
indispensable parties under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure