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Case name Citation Summary
Whalen v. Roe 1977 The NY Controlled Substances Act's requirement that doctors send a copy of prescriptions to the state department of health did not violate privacy rights
Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Corp. 1977 discriminatory intent required to make out a violation of the Equal Protection Clause
Craig v. Boren 1976 sex discrimination in drinking ages
Estelle v. Gamble 1976 deliberate indifference to prisoner medical needs is required to make out a violation of the Eighth Amendment
United States v. Martinez-Fuerte 1976 routine stops of vehicles entering the United States made by the Border Patrol do not violate the Fourth Amendment
United States v. Janis 1976 the exclusionary rule does not apply in civil forfeiture proceedings
South Dakota v. Opperman 1976 searching an impounded vehicle is permissible under the Fourth Amendment
Woodson v. North Carolina 1976 mandatory death penalties and capital punishment
Gregg v. Georgia 1976 capital punishment does not per se violate the Eighth Amendment
Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth 1976 constitutionality of various abortion regulations; the first such challenge after Roe v. Wade
Nebraska Press Association v. Stuart 1976 standards for regulating publicity in advance of a criminal trial
Fitzpatrick v. Bitzer 1976 limitations imposed by the Eleventh Amendment on damages paid by states under Title VII
New Orleans v. Dukes 1976 Court: United States Court of Appeals
equal protection does not limit a state's regulatory power regarding grandfather clauses
Runyon v. McCrary 1976 race discrimination in private school admissions under 42 U.S.C. § 1981
Young v. American Mini Theatres 1976 upholding Detroit's ordinance regulating location of adult-oriented businesses
National League of Cities v. Usery 1976 Tenth amendment sufficient to invalidate federal Fair Labor Standards Act; overruled by Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority
Hughes v. Alexandria Scrap Corp. 1976 "market participant exception" to the Dormant Commerce Clause
Doyle v. Ohio 1976 impeaching a defendant with his silence in response to the warnings required by Miranda v. Arizona violates the Fifth Amendment
Kleppe v. New Mexico 1976 protection of animals on land held by the Bureau of Land Management
TSC Industries, Inc. v. Northway, Inc. 1976 materiality of false or misleading statements in proxy statements under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934