Search Results

Case name Citation Summary
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Commission 1980 commercial speech—energy company advertising
Consolidated Edison Co. v. Public Service Commission 1980 freedom of speech (companies including information inserts with bills)
Diamond v. Chakrabarty 1980 patentability of genetically modified organisms
Agins v. City of Tiburon 1980 zoning and regulatory takings
Jenkins v. Anderson 1980 criminal defendant's silence prior to arrest may be held against him in court
Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins 1980 federalism, freedom of speech
Walker v. Armco Steel Corp. 1980 Erie Doctrine – state statute of limitations vs. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
United States V. Mendenhall 1980 police may obtain consent to detain a person and search them under the Fourth Amendment
Godfrey v. Georgia 1980 Eighth Amendment overbreadth of an aggravating circumstance required for imposing the death penalty
Rhode Island v. Innis 1980 meaning of "interrogation" under Miranda v. Arizona
Mobile v. Bolden 1980 At-Large voting system and the Fifteenth Amendment
Owen v. City of Independence 1980 municipal liability under the Civil Rights Act
Payton v. New York 1980 Fourth Amendment prohibits warrantless entry into a home to effect a routine felony arrest
Rummel v. Estelle 1980 life in prison with possibility of parole is not cruel and unusual punishment for a habitual offender convicted of passing bad checks
Village of Schaumburg v. Citizens for a Better Environment 1980 First Amendment protection for door-to-door soliciting
World-Wide Volkswagen Corp v. Woodson 1980 Personal jurisdiction, strict liability
Vance v. Terrazas 1980 a United States citizen cannot have his or her U.S. citizenship taken away without proof, by a preponderance of evidence, that he or she acted with an intention to relinquish that citizenship.
Goldwater v. Carter 1979 justiciability, political question doctrine
Bellotti v. Baird 1979 parental notification requirements for abortion are constitutional with a judicial bypass provision
United Steel Workers of America v. Weber 1979 regarding affirmative action, reverse discrimination