Search Results

Case name Citation Summary
Helicopteros Nacionales de Colombia, S. A. v. Hall 1984 Purchases in the United States by a non-resident corporation are insufficient under the minimum contacts test to establish in personam jurisdiction
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Delgado 1984 Fourth Amendment requirements for administrative searches
Oliver v. United States 1984 reaffirmed open fields doctrine in a case where the defendant grew marijuana in his field
United Building & Construction Trades Council v. Mayor and Council of Camden 1984 Privileges and Immunities clause
Calder v. Jones 1984 minimum contacts for personal jurisdiction based on a libelous publication
Lynch v. Donnelly 1984 public religious display on private property
Grove City College v. Bell 1984 acquiescence to federal anti-discrimination regulations through acceptance of federal funds
McKaskle v. Wiggins 1984 standby counsel does not violate criminal defendant's Sixth Amendment right to present his own case in a criminal trial
Southland Corp. v. Keating 1984 Federal Arbitration Act applies to actions in state courts
Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios 1984 copyright, VCR "time-shifting", fair use
Michigan v. Long 1983 “adequate and independent state ground”
Barefoot v. Estelle 1983 Admissibility of psychiatrist's testimony about a criminal's future dangerousness
Marsh v. Chambers 1983 Establishment Clause does not forbid state legislatures from employing chaplains
Jones v. United States 1983 verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity is sufficiently probative of mental illness and dangerousness to justify involuntary commitment
Solem v. Helm 1983 life without parole for passing bad checks is cruel and unusual punishment
Oregon v. Bradshaw 1983 protections of Miranda v. Arizona when the suspect reinitiates conversation with the police
INS v. Chadha 1983 unconstitutionality of the legislative veto
United States v. Place 1983 dog sniff is not a search under the Fourth Amendment
City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health 1983 requiring abortions to be performed in a hospital, restricting abortion to girls over 16, and requiring a doctor to impart certain information before performing an abortion are all unconstitutional
Illinois v. Gates 1983 validity of searches conducted pursuant to warrants predicated on an informant's tip