Search Results

Case name Citation Summary
[Iowa] OAKVIEW, INC. and IOWA LONG TERM CARE RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION , P etitioners - Appell ants , vs. ELIZABETH FERCH , Responde nt - Appell ee . 2008/10/29 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 403 / 06 - 1924
[Iowa] ROBERT J. BRUNKHORST, individually and as representative of all similarly situated IOWA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM MEMBERS , Plaintiff s - Appell ants , vs. IOWA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREME 2008/10/29 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 363 / 07 - 1340
[Iowa] IN THE INTEREST OF Y.R., Minor Child, D.J.B., Mother, Appellant, G.R., Father, Appellant. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 904 / 08 - 1427
[Iowa] IN THE INTEREST OF A.O. and A.O., Minor Children, C.M.G., Mother, Appellant, E.O., Father, Appellant. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 903 / 08 - 1519
[Iowa] IN THE INTEREST OF Z.B. - D., A.D. and T.D., Minor Children, B.L.B. - D., Mother, Appellant, T.D., SR., Father of A.D. and T.D., Appellant. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 902 / 08 - 1221
[Iowa] IN THE INTEREST OF J.L., D.L., O. L ., and M.L., Minor Children, V.S.C., Mother, Appellant. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 901 / 08 - 1463
[Iowa] GREGG ALLEN COPPLE , Petitioner - Appellant, vs. IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, MOTOR VEHICLE DIVISION, Res pondent - Appellee . 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 895 / 08 - 08 15
[Iowa] STATE OF IOWA, Plaintiff - Appellee, vs. LORI MARIE CHILDERS , Defendant - Appellant. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 894 / 08 - 0808
[Iowa] ELIZABETH A. SYLVESTER , Plaintiff - Appell ant , vs. MILLS COUNTY, IOWA, a Governmental Subdivision, OFFICE OF MILLS COUNTY AUDITOR and CAROL ROBERTSON, both individually and in her official capac 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 887 / 08 - 0600
[Iowa] PATRICK R. COYLE, Plaintiff - Appellee, vs. PATRICIA D. KUJACZYNSKI and PHH MORTGAGE SERVICES, Defendants - Appellants. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 881 / 08 - 0343
[Iowa] PAT ROOFF, d/b/a PAT'S AUTO, Plaintiff - Appellant, vs. CITY OF WATERLOO, Defendant - Appellee. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 865 / 07 - 1430
[Iowa] STATE OF IOWA, Plaintiff - Appellee, vs. NORMAN WATERS JR., Defendant - Appellant. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 848 / 08 - 0854
[Iowa] IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF JUDITH ANN O ' CONNOR - SHERRETS AND LARRY D. SHERRETS Upon the Petition of JUDITH ANN O ' CONNOR - SHERRETS , Petitioner - Appell ant , And Concerning LARRY D. SHERRETS , Re 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 837 / 08 - 0293
[Iowa] IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF GABRIELLE JULIA DEAL - BURCH, RANDALL DEAL and GAYLA DEAL, Grandparents - Appellants. vs. ALTON BURCH, JR., Father - Appellee. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 834 / 08 - 0206
[Iowa] STATE OF IOWA, Plaintiff - Appellee, vs. TERRY LELAND BERG JR., Defendant - Appellant. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 825 / 07 - 2043
[Iowa] GRETCHEN THOMPSON , Plaintiff - Appell ant , vs. DR. GARY VANHOFWEGEN and VANHOFWEGEN FAMILY DENTISTRY , Defendant s - Appell ees . 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 823 / 07 - 2014
[Iowa] EDWARD CHARLES KENDALL , Applicant - Appellant, vs. STATE OF IOWA, Respondent - Appellee. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 815 / 07 - 1493
[Iowa] JAYNE HANSEN LIPPS and THOMAS LIPPS, Plaintiffs - Appellants, vs. HJELMELAND BUILDERS, INC., and ROGER KENNE, Defendants - Appellees. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 814 / 07 - 1410
[Iowa] STATE OF IOWA, Plaintiff - Appellee, vs. TYRONE TATE , Defendant - Appellant. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 813 / 07 - 1203
[Iowa] KELVIN DEVELL WILLFORM , Applicant - Appellant, vs. STATE OF IOWA, Respondent - Appellee. 2008/11/13 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 808 / 05 - 0712