Search Results

Case name Citation Summary
[Iowa] IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF DIANE RENEE O ' REGAN AND DEAN THOMAS O'REGAN Upon the Petition of DIANE RENEE O'REGAN, Petitioner - Appellee, And Concerning DEAN THOMAS O' REGAN, Respondent - Appellant. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 9 - 022 / 08 - 0591
[Iowa] STATE OF IOWA, Plaintiff - Appellee, vs. JIMMY ALLEN QUICK, JR. , Defen dant - Appellant. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 9 - 021 / 08 - 0523
[Iowa] STATE OF IOWA, Plaintiff-Appellee, vs. FRANK RICHARD DOTSETH, Defendant-Appellant. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 9-020 / 08-0504
[Iowa] WES GLASGOW , Plaintiff - Appell ant , vs. WILLIAMSON NISSAN, INC. , Defendant - Appell ee . 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 9 - 018 / 08 - 0350
[Iowa] BLUE JAY KALAR , Applicant - Appellant, vs. STATE OF IOWA, Respondent - Appellee. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 9 - 015 / 07 - 2159
[Iowa] ROBERT BRIDGE, JR., Petitioner - Appellant, vs. KARR TUCKPOINTING CO., Employer/Respondent - Appellee, and TRAVELERS INSURAN CE CO., Insurance Carrier/Respondent - Appellee. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 993 / 08 - 0936
[Iowa] JOSHUA RICHARD BRAUNSCHWEIG , P etitioner - Appell ee , vs. SUMMER RAE FAHRENKROG f/k/a SUMMER RAE FRANK , Respondent - Appell ant . 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 986 / 08 - 0729
[Iowa] STATE OF IOWA, Plaintiff - Appellee, vs. ARNOLD DORAN GRICE , Defendant - Appellant. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 977 / 08 - 0103
[Iowa] IN THE INTEREST OF J.B., Minor Child, M.W.B., JR., Father, Appellant. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 960 / 08 - 1557
[Iowa] STATE OF IOWA, Plaintiff - Appellant , vs. JESSICA K. HILL , Defendant - Appell ee . 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 935 / 08 - 0657
[Iowa] IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HERBERT C. SHAFFER, Deceased, SARAH M . SHAFFER, Spouse - Appellant, vs. DIORA HEWER and WAIL ANA BARKER, Executors of the Estate of HERBERT C. SHAFFER, Executors - 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 934 / 08 - 0653
[Iowa] BRUCE J. ISHMAN, I ndividually and on behalf of all others similarly situated , Plaintiff - Appell ant , vs. FEATHERLITE, INC., a/d/b/a FEATHERLITE MANUFACTURING, INC. , Defendant - Appell ee . 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 927 / 08 - 0372
[Iowa] S.O., J.O., and E.O., by and through their father, J.O. Sr., Plaintiff s - Appellants, vs. CARLISLE SCHOOL DISTRICT, VALERIE McCHAUGHEY and DR. TOM LANE, Defendant s - Appellees. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 917 / 07 - 2096
[Iowa] STATE OF IOWA, Plaintiff - Appellee, vs. CATHRYN ANN LINN, Defendant - Appellant. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 913 / 07 - 1984
[Iowa] HILLIS JAMES FORRESTER , Plaintiff - Appell ant , vs. ASPEN ATHLETIC CLUBS, L.L.C., SAFARI II, L.L.C., and THE HANSEN COMPANY, INC. , Defendant s - Appell ees . 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 891 / 08 - 0745
[Iowa] KENDON HAUGE SCHWEBKE, Applicant - Appellant, vs. STATE OF IOWA, Respondent - Appellee. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 812 / 07 - 1027
[Iowa] SPAHN & ROSE LUMBER CO. , Plaintiff, vs. LLOYD JONES JR., JODI K. JONES, AND CHAD ANGELL d/b/a ANGEL L LANDSCAPING , Defendants, And US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION , substituted for AEGIS LENDING 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 565 / 07 - 1742
[Iowa] IN THE INTEREST OF A.S., O.S., Q.S., S.S., and D.S., Minor Children , J.M.S., Mother, Appellant, O.O., Father of A.S., Appellant, D.S. Minor Child, Appellant, D.S., Father , Appellant. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 1068 / 08 - 1823
[Iowa] TIM RAYL and DONNA RAYL, Plaintiff s - Appellees, vs. JOSHUA PARISE and CHRISTY PARISE, Defendant s - Appellants. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 1051 / 08 - 0931
[Iowa] DONALD JAMES JIRAN, Petitioner - Appellee, vs. KRISTY KAY PETERSEN, Respondent - Appellant. 2009/03/11 Court: Court of Appeals
Docket No: No. 8 - 1050 / 08 - 0896