381.197—Imported products; foreign inspection certificates required.

(a) Except as provided in §§ 381.207 and 381.209, each consignment containing any slaughtered poultry or other poultry product consigned to the United States from a foreign country shall be accompanied with a foreign inspection certificate substantially in the form illustrated in paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The form of foreign poultry product inspection certificate shall be as follows:
Foreign Poultry Product Inspection Certificate
I hereby certify that the poultry products herein described were derived from poultry which received ante mortem and post mortem inspections at the time of slaughter; and that such poultry products are sound, healthful, wholesome, clean and otherwise fit for human food, and are not adulterated and have not been treated with and do not contain any dye, chemical, preservative, or ingredient not permitted by the regulations governing the inspection of poultry and poultry products of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, filed with me, and that said poultry products have been handled only in a sanitary manner in this country; and are otherwise in compliance with requirements at least equal to those in the Poultry Products Inspection Act and said regulations.
Kind of Product
Number of pieces or packagesWeight
Identification marks on containers
Shipping marks
(Name of official of national foreign government authorized to issue inspection certificates for poultry products exported to the United States)
(Official title)

Code of Federal Regulations

[37 FR 9706, May 16, 1972, as amended at 40 FR 42338, Sept. 12, 1975]