343b.4—Applicant outside of United States.
If the application is received by a Service officer stationed outside the United States, he shall, when practicable, interrogate the applicant before the application is forwarded to the district director in the United States having jurisdiction over the applicant's place of residence for issuance of the certificate. When such interrogation is not practicable, or is not conducted because the application is submitted directly to the Commissioner or a district director of the Service in the United States, the certificate may nevertheless be issued and the recommendation conditioned upon satisfactory interrogation by a State Department representative. When forwarding the certificate in such a case, the Secretary of State shall be informed that the applicant has not been interviewed, and requested to have his representative abroad interview the applicant regarding identity and possible expatriation. If identity is not established or if expatriation has occurred, the request shall be made that the certificate be returned to the Service.