338.1—Execution and issuance of certificate.
(a) Issuance.
When an applicant for naturalization has taken and subscribed to the oath of allegiance in accordance with §§ 337.1, 337.2 and 337.3 of this chapter, a Certificate of Naturalization, Form N-550, shall be issued by the Service at the conclusion of the oath administration ceremony. For each applicant appearing at a judicial oath administration ceremony pursuant to § 337.8, the Service shall prepare the Certificate of Naturalization and forward it to the clerk of court sufficiently in advance of the ceremony to ensure the timely delivery on the date the oath administration ceremony is conducted.
(b) Execution of certificate.
The certificate shall be issued to the applicant in his or her true, full, and correct name as it exists at the time of the administration of the oath of allegiance. The certificate shall show, under “former nationality,” the name of the applicant's last country of citizenship, as shown in the application and Service records, even though the applicant may be stateless at the time of admission to citizenship. Photographs shall be affixed to the certificate in the manner provided in part 333 of this chapter. The certificate shall be signed by the applicant. The Commissioner's signature shall be affixed to the certificate.