335.7—Failure to prosecute application after initial examination.

An applicant for naturalization who has appeared for the examination on his or her application as provided in § 335.2 shall be considered as failing to prosecute such application if he or she, without good cause being shown, either failed to excuse an absence from a subsequently required appearance, or fails to provide within a reasonable period of time such documents, information, or testimony deemed by the Service to be necessary to establish his or her eligibility for naturalization. The Service shall deliver notice of all such requests for appearance or supporting evidence, in writing, to the applicant either in person or to the applicant's last known address. In the event that the applicant fails to respond within 30 days of the date of notification, the Service shall adjudicate the application on the merits pursuant to § 336.1 of this chapter.

Code of Federal Regulations

[58 FR 49914, Sept. 24, 1993, as amended at 60 FR 6651, Feb. 3, 1995]