335.13—Notice of recommendation on petitions for naturalization of designated examiner.

(a) Recommendation that petition be denied. When the designated examiner proposes to recommend denial of the petition filed prior to October 1, 1991, the petitioner or his or her attorney or representative shall be notified thereof and furnished a copy of the designated examiner's memorandum. The notice shall be given in conjunction with notification of the date, place, and time of holding the final hearing. The notice shall be sent by certified mail, with return receipt requested, after any review made by the regional administrator.
(b) Recommendation that petition be granted. When the designated examiner proposes to recommend granting of the petition filed prior to October 1, 1991 and to present the facts and issues to the court, the petitioner or his or her attorney or representative shall be notified of the recommendation and furnished a copy of the designated examiner's memorandum prior to the date of the hearing, and after any review made by the regional administrator.
(c) Disagreement between recommendations of designated examiner and the regional administrator. In those cases reviewed by the regional administrator in which his or her views and recommendations do not agree with those of the designated examiner, the notice required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section shall also advise the petitioner of the recommendation of the regional administrator and that both recommendations will be presented to the court. There shall also be enclosed with such notice a copy of the regional administrator's memorandum.
(d) Briefs. If the petitioner intends to file a brief or memorandum at the final hearing, he or she shall furnish a copy thereof to the Service office from which the notice on Form N-425 emanated at least 5 days prior to the date of the final hearing. Failure to do so will result in a motion for a continuance if deemed essential for the proper presentation of the Government's case.

Code of Federal Regulations

[22 FR 9822, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 35 FR 17530, Nov. 14, 1970; 56 FR 50498, Oct. 7, 1991]