335.12—Recommendations on petitions for naturalization of the designated examiner and regional administrator; notice.

As soon as practicable after conclusion of the preliminary examination on a petition for naturalization filed prior to October 1, 1991, the designated examiner shall prepare an appropriate recommendation to the court. If the recommendation is for denial, or for granting with the facts to be presented to the court, the designated examiner shall prepare a memorandum summarizing the evidence, and setting forth findings of fact and conclusions of law, and his or her recommendation. No evidence dehors the record or evidence not admissible in judicial proceedings under recognized rules of evidence shall be considered in the preparation of the memorandum. The memorandum shall be submitted before final hearing to the regional operations liaison officer, in those cases or classes of cases designated by him or her, for review and recommendation. If the regional operations liaison officer does not agree with the recommendation of the designated examiner, he or she shall prepare an appropriate memorandum, with findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the recommendation of the Service, subject to review and approval by the Commissioner in those cases or classes of cases designated by him or her, for presentation to the court with the designated examiner's memorandum. In the preparation of memoranda, designated examiners and regional operations liaison officers shall be bound by the interpretations and rulings by the Attorney General or the Commissioner on Questions of law.

Code of Federal Regulations

[38 FR 29878, Oct. 30, 1973, as amended at 56 FR 50498, Oct. 7, 1991]