334.16—Amendment of petition for naturalization.

(a) During pendency of petition. An application to amend a petition for naturalization, filed prior to October 1, 1991, while such petition is pending, shall be made by the petitioner on Form N-410, with copies thereof equal to the number of copies of the petition for naturalization, and presented to the court at the hearing on the petition for naturalization. The application shall be accompanied by the fee specified in § 103.7(b)(1) of this chapter, unless it was initiated by, and for the convenience of, the government. When the court orders the petition amended, the original order shall be filed with the original petition and the copies attached to the respective copies of the petition.
(b) After final action on petition. Whenever an application is made to the court to amend a petition for naturalization after final action thereon has been taken by the court, a copy of the application shall be served upon the district director having administrative jurisdiction over the territory in which the court is located, in the manner and within the time provided by the rules of court in which application is made. No objection shall be made to the amendment of a petition for naturalization after the petitioner for naturalization has been admitted to citizenship if the motion or application is to correct a clerical error arising from oversight or omission. A representative of the Service may appear at the hearing upon such application and be heard in favor of or in opposition thereto. When the court orders the petition amended, the clerk of court shall transmit a copy of the order to the district director for inclusion in the Service file.

Code of Federal Regulations

[22 FR 9819, Dec. 6, 1957, as amended at 32 FR 9635, July 4, 1967; 45 FR 10313, Feb. 15, 1980; 56 FR 50496, Oct. 7, 1991]