332.1—Designation of service employees to administer oaths and conduct examinations and hearings.

(a) Examinations. All immigration examiners are hereby designated to conduct the examination for naturalization required under section 335 of the Act. A district director may also designate other officers of the Service, who are classified at grade levels equal to or higher than the grade of the immigration examiners, to conduct the examination under section 335 of the Act, provided that each officer so designated has received appropriate training.
(b) Hearings. Section 336 of the Act authorizes immigration officers to conduct hearings under that section. A district director may designate the officers who are designated under paragraph (a) of this section to conduct hearings under section 336 of the Act.
(c) Depositions. All immigration officers and other officers or employees of the Service who are classified at grade levels equal to or higher than the grade of the immigration officers are hereby designated to take depositions in matters relating to the administration of naturalization and citizenship laws.
(d) Oaths and affirmations. All immigration officers and other officers or employees of the Service who are classified at grade levels equal to or higher than the grade of the immigration officers are hereby designated to administer oaths or affirmations except for the oath of allegiance as provided in § 337.2 of this chapter.

Code of Federal Regulations

[56 FR 50494, Oct. 7, 1991]