103.9—Availability of decisions and interpretive material under the Freedom of Information Act.

(a) Precedent decisions. There may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, bound volumes of designated precedent decisions entitled “Administrative Decisions Under Immigration and Nationality Laws of the United States,” each containing a cumulative index. Prior to publication in volume from current precedent decisions, known as interim decisions, are obtainable from the Superintendent of Documents on a single copy or yearly subscription basis. Bound volumes and current precedent decisions may be read at principal Service offices.
(b) Unpublished decisions. Each district director in the United States will maintain copies of unpublished Service and Board decisions relating to proceedings in which the initial decision was made in his district. Each regional commissioner will maintain copies of unpublished decisions made by him. The Central Office will maintain copies on a national basis of unpublished Service decisions.
(c) Deletion of identifying details. To the extent that information in decisions is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552 ), the deciding officer shall provide for deletion of identifying details, as appropriate, from copies of decisions made available to the public.
(d) Statements of policy, interpretations, manuals, instructions to staff. Statements of policy, interpretations, and those manuals and instructions to staff (or portions thereof), affecting the public, will be made available at district offices in the United States and at the Central Office with an accompanying index of any material which is issued on or after July 4, 1967.
(e) Public reading rooms. The Central Office and each district office in the United States will provide a reading room or reading area where the material described in this section will be made available to the public. Additional material will be made available in the public reading rooms, including the immigration and nationality laws, title 8 of the United States Code Annotated, title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations—Chapter I, a complete set of the forms listed in parts 299 and 499 of this chapter, and the Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual, Volume 9—Visas. Fees will not be charged for providing access to any of these materials, but fees in accordance with § 103.7(b) will be charged for furnishing copies.

Code of Federal Regulations

[32 FR 9623, July 4, 1967, as amended at 36 FR 20151, Oct. 16, 1971; 40 FR 7237, Feb. 19, 1975; 48 FR 49652, Oct. 27, 1983]