984.77—Verification of reports.
For the purpose of verifying and checking reports filed by handlers or the operations of handlers, the Secretary and the Board through its duly authorized representatives shall have access to any premises where walnuts and walnut records are held. Such access shall be available at any time during reasonable business hours. Authorized representatives shall be permitted to inspect any walnuts held and any and all records of the handler with respect to matters within the purview of this part. Each handler shall maintain complete records on the receiving, holding, and disposition of both inshell and shelled walnuts. Each handler shall furnish all labor necessary to facilitate such inspections at no expense to the Board or the Secretary. Each handler shall store all walnuts held by him in such manner as to facilitate inspection and shall maintain adequate storage records which will permit accurate identification with respect to inspection certificates of respective lots and of all such walnuts held or disposed of theretofore. The Board, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish any methods and procedures needed to verify reports.