984.456—Disposition of reserve walnuts and walnuts used for reserve disposition credit.
Beginning September 1 of any marketing year, a handler may become an agent of the Board to dispose of reserve walnuts of such marketing year. The agency shall be established upon execution of an “Agency Agreement for Reserve Walnuts” setting forth the terms and conditions specified by the Board for the sale of reserve walnuts in authorized outlets.
Any handler who desires to transfer disposition credit in excess of his/her reserve obligation to another handler shall submit a request to the Board for such transfer on CWB Form No. 17 signed by both handlers and the Board shall credit such transfer.
Any reserve walnuts that a handler has not disposed of by the end of the marketing year shall be delivered to the Board for pooling on demand. The Board may delay such demand with respect to reserve walnuts for which the handler has agreed to undertake disposition pursuant to the Board's authority. Each lot of reserve or substandard walnuts delivered to the Board for pooling and disposition shall be separately weighed at the handler's expense by a public weighmaster either upon removal from the handler's premises or in transit to Board storage facilities or diversion point. A copy of each weighmaster's certificate showing the net weight of the walnuts shall be forwarded to the Board by the handler. Walnuts delivered to the Board shall be delivered F.O.B. handler's warehouse or point of storage.