982.453—Disposition of substandard hazelnuts.

The Board shall maintain a list of approved users who are crushers, livestock feed manufacturers, or livestock feeders, and of the locations of the facilities to which substandard hazelnuts may be shipped. Users interested in purchasing substandard hazelnuts or hazelnut waste must make prior application to the Board on F/H Form D to be included on the approved list of such users. Each handler who disposes of substandard hazelnuts to an approved user shall, upon shipment, report to the Board on F/H Form D1 the quantities disposed of or shipped. Substandard hazelnuts disposed of to an approved user may only be shipped directly to an approved location where the crushing, feed manufacture, or feeding is to take place. The Board may deny approval to any user application, or may remove any user from the approved list when such denial or removal is deemed necessary to ensure control over disposition of substandard hazelnuts. This may occur if the Board determines that substandard hazelnuts are not properly shipped to, or utilized at, approved facilities, in compliance with this requirement. F/H Form D includes the location and description of the disposal facilities to be used as well as a certification to the Board and the Secretary of Agriculture that the applicant will:
(a) Crush, manufacture feed, or feed to livestock such hazelnuts at the location;
(b) Use such hazelnuts for no other purpose than for crushing into oil, manufacturing into livestock feed, or livestock feeding;
(c) Permit such inspection of premises and of hazelnuts received and held, and such examination of books and records covering hazelnut transactions as the Board may require;
(d) Keep a record of receipts, holdings, and use of substandard hazelnuts available for examination by authorized representatives of the Board and the U.S. Department of Agriculture for a period of two years after the end of the marketing year in which the recorded transactions are completed; and
(e) Make such reports, certified to the Board and the Secretary of Agriculture as to their correctness, as the Board with the approval of the Secretary may require.

Code of Federal Regulations

[54 FR 24328, June 7, 1989]