8.4—Basic premises.
The 4-H Club Name and Emblem are held in trust by the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States Department of Agriculture for the educational and character-building purposes of the 4-H program and can be used only as authorized by the statute and according to the authorization of the Secretary or designated representative.
The 4-H Club Name and Emblem may be used by authorized representatives of the United States Department of Agriculture, the Cooperative Extension Services, the land-grant institutions, and the National 4-H Council, according to these regulations, for serving the educational needs and interests of 4-H youth.
Any use of the 4-H Club Name and Emblem is forbidden if it exploits the 4-H programs, its volunteer leaders or 4-H youth participants or the United States Department of Agriculture, the Cooperative Extension Services, or the land-grant institutions, or their employees.
The 4-H Club Name and Emblem shall not be used to imply endorsement of commercial firms, products, or services.