4284.910—Application processing.

(a) Applications. USDA will solicit applications on a competitive basis by publication of one or more RFPs. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable RFP, applicants must file an original and one copy of the required forms and a proposal.
(b) Required forms. The following forms must be completed, signed and submitted as part of the application package. Other forms may be required. This will be published in the applicable RFP.
(1) “Application for Federal Assistance.”
(2) “Budget Information—Non-Construction Programs.”
(3) “Assurances—Non-Construction Programs.”
(c) Proposal. Each proposal must contain the following elements. Additional elements may be published in the applicable RFP.
(1) Title Page.
(2) Table of Contents.
(3) Executive Summary. A summary of the proposal should briefly describe the project including goals, tasks to be completed and other relevant information that provides a general overview of the project. In this section the applicant must clearly state whether the application is for a Planning Grant or a Working Capital Grant and the amount requested.
(4) Eligibility. The narrative must include a detailed discussion of how the applicant meets the eligibility requirements.
(5) Proposal Narrative. The narrative portion of the proposal must include, but is not limited to, the following:
(i) Project Title. The title of the proposed project must be brief, not to exceed 75 characters, yet describe the essentials of the project.
(ii) Information Sheet. A separate one page information sheet listing each of the evaluation criteria referenced in the RFP followed by the page numbers of all relevant material and documentation contained in the proposal that address or support the criteria.
(iii) Goals of the Project. A clear statement of the ultimate goals of the project. There must be an explanation of how a market will be expanded and the degree to which incremental revenue will accrue to the benefit of the agricultural producer(s).
(iv) Work Plan. The narrative must contain a description of the project and set forth the tasks involved in reasonable detail.
(v) Performance Evaluation Criteria. Performance criteria suggested by the applicant for incorporation in the grant award in the event the proposal receives grant funding under this subpart. These suggested criteria are not binding on USDA.
(vi) Proposal Evaluation Criteria. Each of the proposal evaluation criteria referenced in the RFP must be addressed, specifically and individually, in narrative form.
(6) Verification of Matching Funds. Applicants must provide a budget to support the work plan showing all sources and uses of funds during the project period. Applicants will be required to verify matching funds, both cash and in-kind. Sufficient information should be included such that USDA can verify all representations.
(7) Certification. Applicants must certify that matching funds will be available at the same time grant funds are anticipated to be spent and that matching funds will be spent in advance of grant funding, such that for every dollar of grant that is advanced, not less than an equal amount of match funds will have been funded prior to submitting the request for reimbursement.