4280.39—Contents of an application.
An application for a loan or a Grant must contain the following:
Standard Form 424, “Application for Federal Assistance,” signed by an authorized representative of the Intermediary.
A Resolution of the Board of Directors signed by the directors and certified by the Intermediary's board secretary. The board resolution must indicate whether the Intermediary is requesting a loan or Grant, agree to the provisions of this subpart and the loan or Grant agreement including the Intermediary's 20 percent Fund contribution, and state that the Intermediary has the legal authority to enter into a loan or Grant agreement under these Programs;
Form AD 1047, “Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and other Responsibility Matters—Primary Covered Transactions,” and Form AD-1048, “Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion—Lower Tier Transactions.”
Assurance statement for the Uniform Act signed by the Ultimate Recipient. This statement provides Rural Development with the required assurance statement that any relocations of persons or acquisitions of real property, as part of completing the Ultimate Recipient Project, will be handled in accordance with this statute.
RD Instruction 1940-Q, Exhibit A-1, applies if the loan is greater than $150,000 or the Grant is greater than $100,000;
SF LLL, “Disclosure of Lobbying Activities,” (if the Intermediary or the Ultimate Recipient engages in lobbying activities);
Seismic certification if construction of a building is proposed. The Project owner certifies that any building constructed will comply with standards that reduce the damage caused by earthquakes;
RUS Form 7, “Financial and Statistical Report” and RUS Form 7a “Investments, Loan Guarantees, and Loans,” or similar information.
A Project description, including details of the work to be performed with Rural Development funds, and a business plan, including a discussion of management and prior experience of the Ultimate Recipient.
A Revolving Loan Fund Plan is required if the Intermediary is applying for a Grant to establish a Revolving Loan Fund.