4279.2—Definitions and abbreviations.

(a) Definitions.
Adjusted tangible net worth. Tangible balance sheet equity plus allowed tangible asset appreciation and subordinated owner debt.
Agency. The Rural Business-Cooperative Service or successor Agency assigned by the Secretary of Agriculture to administer the B&I program. References to the National Office, Finance Office, State Office or other Agency offices or officials should be read as prefaced by “Agency” or “Rural Development” as applicable.
Allowed tangible asset appreciation. The difference between the current net book value recorded on the financial statements (original cost less cumulative depreciation) of real property assets and the lesser of their current market value or original cost, where current market value is determined using an appraisal satisfactory to the Agency.
Arm's-length transaction. The sale, release, or disposition of assets in which the title to the property passes to a ready, willing, and able disinterested third party that is not affiliated with or related to and has no security, monetary or stockholder interest in the borrower or transferor at the time of the transaction.
Assignment Guarantee Agreement (Business and Industry). Form RD 4279-6, the signed agreement among the Agency, the lender, and the holder containing the terms and conditions of an assignment of a guaranteed portion of a loan, using the single note system.
Biogas. Biomass converted to gaseous fuel.
Biomass. Any organic material that is available on a renewable or recurring basis including agricultural crops, trees grown for energy production, wood waste and wood residues, plants, including aquatic plants and grasses, fibers, animal waste and other waste materials, fats, oils, greases, including recycled fats, oils and greases. It does not include paper that is commonly recycled or unsegregated solid waste.
Borrower. All parties liable for the loan except for guarantors.
Commercially available. Energy projects utilizing technology that has a proven operating history, and for which there is an established industry for the design, installation, and service (including spare parts) of the equipment.
Conditional Commitment (Business and Industry). Form RD 4279-3, the Agency's notice to the lender that the loan guarantee it has requested is approved subject to the completion of all conditions and requirements set forth by the Agency.
Deficiency balance. The balance remaining on a loan after all collateral has been liquidated.
Deficiency judgment. A monetary judgment rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction after foreclosure and liquidation of all collateral securing the loan.
Energy projects. Commercially available projects that produce or distribute energy or power and/or produce biomass or biogas fuel. Commercially available energy projects that utilize technology that has a proven operating history, and for which there is an established industry for the design, installation, and service (including spare parts) of the equipment.
Existing lender debt. A debt not guaranteed by the Agency, but owed by a borrower to the same lender that is applying for or has received the Agency guarantee.
Fair market value. The price that could reasonably be expected for an asset in an arm's-length transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller under ordinary economic and business conditions.
Farmer's Home Administration (FmHA). The former agency of USDA that previously administered the programs of this Agency. Many Instructions and forms of FmHA are still applicable to Agency programs.
Finance Office. The office which maintains the Agency financial accounting records located in St. Louis, Missouri.
High-impact business. A business that offers specialized products and services that permit high prices for the products produced, may have a strong presence in international market sales, may provide a market for existing local business products and services, and which is locally owned and managed.
Holder. A person or entity, other than the lender, who owns all or part of the guaranteed portion of the loan with no servicing responsibilities. When the single note option is used and the lender assigns a part of the guaranteed note to an assignee, the assignee becomes a holder only when the Agency receives notice and the transaction is completed through the use of Form RD 4279-6 or predecessor form.
Interim financing. A temporary or short-term loan made with the clear intent that it will be repaid through another loan. Interim financing is frequently used to pay construction and other costs associated with a planned project, with permanent financing to be obtained after project completion.
Lender. The organization making, servicing, and collecting the loan which is guaranteed under the provision of the appropriate subpart.
Lender's Agreement (Business and Industry). Form RD 4279-4 or predecessor form between the Agency and the lender setting forth the lender's loan responsibilities when the Loan Note Guarantee is issued.
Loan Agreement. The agreement between the borrower and lender containing the terms and conditions of the loan and the responsibilities of the borrower and lender.
Loan Note Guarantee (Business and Industry). Form RD 4279-5 or predecessor form, issued and executed by the Agency containing the terms and conditions of the guarantee.
Loan-to-value. The ratio of the dollar amount of a loan to the dollar value of the collateral pledged as security for the loan.
Natural resource value-added product. Any naturally occurring product that is processed to add value to the product. For example, straw is processed into particle board.
Negligent servicing. The failure to perform those services which a reasonably prudent lender would perform in servicing (including liquidation of) its own portfolio of loans that are not guaranteed. The term includes not only the concept of a failure to act, but also not acting in a timely manner, or acting in a manner contrary to the manner in which a reasonably prudent lender would act.
Parity. A lien position whereby two or more lenders share a security interest of equal priority in collateral. In the event of default, each lender will be affected on a pro rata basis.
Participation. Sale of an interest in a loan by the lender wherein the lender retains the note, collateral securing the note, and all responsibility for loan servicing and liquidation.
Poor. A community or area is considered poor if, based on the most recent decennial census data, either the county, city, or census tract where the community or area is located has a median household income at or below the poverty line for a family of four; has a median household income below the nonmetropolitan median household income for the State; or has a population of which 25 percent or more have income at or below the poverty line.
Promissory Note. Evidence of debt. “Note” or “Promissory Note” shall also be construed to include “Bond” or other evidence of debt where appropriate.
Qualified Intellectual Property. Trademarks, patents or copyrights included on current (within one year) audited balance sheets for which an audit opinion has been received that states the financial reports fairly represent the values therein and the reported value has been arrived at in accordance with GAAP standards for valuing intellectual property. The supporting work papers must be satisfactory to the Administrator.
Refinancing loan. A loan, all of the proceeds of which are applied to extinguish the entire balance of an outstanding debt.
Rural Development. The Under Secretary for Rural Development has policy and operational oversight responsibilities for RHS, RBS and RUS.
Spreadsheet. A table containing data from a series of financial statements of a business over a period of time. Financial statement analysis normally contains spreadsheets for balance sheet items and income statements and may include funds flow statement data and commonly used ratios. The spreadsheets enable a reviewer to easily scan the data, spot trends, and make comparisons.
State. Any of the 50 States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
Subordinated owner debt. Debt owed by the borrower to one or more of the owner(s) that is subordinated to debt owed by the borrower to the Agency or guaranteed by the Agency (aggregate B&I loan exposure) pursuant to a subordination agreement satisfactory to the Agency. The debt must have been issued in exchange for cash loaned to the borrower for the benefit of the borrower's business. The terms of the subordination agreement must provide that repayment will not commence until the earlier of the date all aggregate B&I loan exposure has been repaid or when a period of three consecutive years has passed during which the borrower has met all loan covenants and evidenced operating profit sufficient to commence partial repayment of this subordinated debt after giving effect to the annual debt service requirements of the aggregate B&I loan exposure. The partial repayment schedule in the case of the latter scenario is subject to annual Agency concurrence and may not be more accelerated than the rate of the debt repayment schedule in effect for the Agency's aggregate B&I loan exposure.
Subordination. An agreement between the lender and borrower whereby lien priorities on certain assets pledged to secure payment of the guaranteed loan will be reduced to a position junior to, or on parity with, the lien position of another loan in order for the Agency borrower to obtain additional financing, not guaranteed by the Agency, from the lender or a third party.
Tangible balance sheet equity. Total equity less the value of intangible assets recorded on the financial statements, as determined from balance sheets prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), plus qualified intellectual property.
Veteran. For the purposes of assigning priority points, a veteran is a person who is a veteran of any war, as defined in section 101(12) of title 38, United States Code.
(b) Abbreviations.
B&I—Business and Industry
CF—Community Facilities
CLP—Certified Lenders Program
FSA—Farm Service Agency
FMI—Forms Manual Insert
NAD—National Appeals Division
OGC—Office of the General Counsel
RBS—Rural Business-Cooperative Service
RHS—Rural Housing Service
RUS—Rural Utilities Service
SBA—Small Business Administration
USDA—United States Department of Agriculture
(c) Accounting terms not otherwise defined in this part shall have the definition ascribed to them under GAAP.

Code of Federal Regulations

[71 FR 33187, June 8, 2006]