4279.149—Personal and corporate guarantee.

(a) Unconditional personal and corporate guarantees are part of the collateral for the loan, but are not considered in determining whether a loan is adequately secured for loanmaking purposes. Agency approved personal and corporate guarantees for the full term of the loan and at least equal to the guarantor's percent interest in the borrower, times the loan amount are required from those owning at least a 20 percent interest in the borrower, unless the lender documents to the Agency's satisfaction that collateral, equity, cashflow, and profitability indicate an above-average ability to repay the loan. The guarantors will execute an Agency approved unconditional guarantee form. When warranted by an Agency assessment of potential financial risk, Agency approved guarantees may also be required of parent, subsidiaries, or affiliated companies (owning less than a 20 percent interest in the borrower) and require security for any guarantee provided under this section.
(b) Exceptions to the requirement for personal guarantees must be requested by the lender and concurred by the Agency approval official on a case-by-case basis. The lender must document that collateral, equity, cashflow, and profitability indicate an above-average ability to repay the loan.

Code of Federal Regulations

[71 FR 67033, Nov. 20, 2006; 72 FR 27241, May 15, 2007]