4279.126—Loan terms.

(a) The maximum repayment for loans on real estate will not exceed 30 years; machinery and equipment repayment will not exceed the useful life of the machinery and equipment purchased with loan funds or 15 years, whichever is less; and working capital repayment will not exceed 7 years. The term for a loan that is being refinanced may be based on the collateral the lender will take to secure the loan.
(b) The first installment of principal and interest will, if possible, be scheduled for payment after the project is operational and has begun to generate income. However, the first full installment must be due and payable within 3 years from the date of the Promissory Note and be paid at least annually thereafter. Interest-only payments will be paid at least annually from the date of the note.
(c) Only loans which require a periodic payment schedule which will retire the debt over the term of the loan without a balloon payment will be guaranteed.
(d) A loan's maturity will take into consideration the use of proceeds, the useful life of assets being financed, and the borrower's ability to repay the loan. The lender may apply the maximum guidelines specified above only when the loan cannot be repaid over a shorter term.
(e) All loans guaranteed through the B&I program must be sound, with reasonably assured repayment.