Borrower responsibility. Any borrower with a secured indebtedness in excess of $15,000 at the time of loan approval must furnish and continually maintain hazard insurance on the security property, with companies, in amounts, and on terms and conditions acceptable to RHS including a “loss payable clause” payable to RHS to protect the Government's interest.
Amount. The borrower is required to insure the dwelling and any other essential buildings in an amount equal to the insurable value of the dwelling and other essential buildings. However, in cases where the borrower's outstanding secured indebtedness is less than the insurable value of the dwelling and other essential buildings, the borrower may elect a lower coverage provided it is not less than the outstanding secured indebtedness. If the borrower fails, or is unable, to insure the secured property, RHS will force place insurance and charge the cost to the borrower's account. Force place insurance only provides insurance coverage to the Agency and does not provide any direct coverage or benefit to the borrower. The amount of the lender-placed coverage will generally be the property's last known insured value.
(c) Flood insurance.
Flood insurance must be obtained and maintained for the life of the loan for all property located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). RHS actions will be consistent with 7 CFR part 1806, subpart B which addressed flood insurance requirements. If flood insurance through FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program is not available in an SFHA, the property is not eligible for federal financial assistance.
(d) Losses.
Loss deductible clauses for required insurance coverage may not exceed the generally accepted minimums based on current industry standards and local market conditions.
Customers must immediately notify RHS of any loss or damage to insured property and collect the amount of the loss from the insurance company.
Depending on the amount of the loss, RHS may require that loss payments be supervised. All repairs and replacements done by or under the direction of the borrower, or by contract, will be planned, performed, inspected, and paid for in accordance with 7 CFR part 1924, subpart A.
When insurance funds remain after all repairs, replacements, and other authorized disbursements have been made, the funds will be applied in the following order:
If a loss occurs when insurance is not in force, the borrower is responsible for making the needed repairs or replacements and ensuring that the insurance is reinstated on the property.
If the borrower is not financially able to make the repairs, RHS may take one of the following actions:
Subordinate the RHS lien to permit the borrower to obtain funds for needed repairs from another source.