3411.5—Evaluation and disposition of applications.

(a) Evaluation. All proposals received from eligible applicants and received in accordance with deadlines established in the annual program solicitation shall be evaluated by the Administrator through such officers, employees, and others as the Administrator determines are uniquely qualified in the areas represented by particular projects. To assist in equitably and objectively evaluating proposals and to obtain the best possible balance of viewpoints, the Administrator shall solicit the advice of peer scientists, ad hoc reviewers, and/or others who are recognized specialists in the areas covered by the applications received and whose general roles are defined in §§ 3411.2(j) and 3411.2(k). Specific evaluations will be based upon the criteria established in § 3411.15, unless CSREES determines that different criteria are necessary for the proper evaluation of proposals in one or more specific program areas, or for specific types of projects to be supported, and announces such criteria and their relative importance in the annual program solicitation. The overriding purpose of these evaluations is to provide information upon which the Administrator may make informed judgments in selecting proposals for ultimate support. Incomplete, unclear, or poorly organized applications will work to the detriment of applicants during the peer evaluation process. To ensure a comprehensive evaluation, all applications should be written with the care and thoroughness accorded papers for publication.
(b) Disposition. On the basis of the Administrator's evaluation of an application in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, the Administrator will (1) approve support using currently available funds, (2) defer support due to lack of funds or a need for further evaluations, or (3) disapprove support for the proposed project in whole or in part. With respect to approved projects, the Administrator will determine the project period (subject to extension as provided in § 3411.7(c)) during which the project may be supported. Any deferral or disapproval of an application will not preclude its reconsideration or a reapplication during subsequent fiscal years.

Code of Federal Regulations

[56 FR 57952, Nov. 14, 1991. Redesignated at 60 FR 63368, Dec. 8, 1995, as amended at 61 FR 45319, Aug. 29, 1996; 71 FR 54898, Sept. 20, 2006]