3300.64—Application for certificate for new equipment produced or assembled in the United States or in a foreign country which is not a contracting party to the ATP.
Application for certification shall be submitted to the ATP manager by an officer in the organization of the owner of the equipment. In the case of equipment manufactured in the United States, application may be made by an officer in the organization of the equipment manufacturer, acting on behalf of the owner. Copies of the Form, Application for U.S. ATP Certificate for New Equipment Produced or Assembled in the United States or in a Foreign Country Which is not a Contracting Party to the ATP, may be obtained by a request to the ATP manager. The following information must be supplied in the application:
A statement whether the owner is a domestic owner or a foreign owner, with the name, address and telephone number of its principal office, and the name and title of person to contact.
If the operator of the equipment is different from the owner, the name and address of the operator.
Definition and distinguishing mark of the equipment for which certification is sought, referring to ATP, Annex 1, paragraph 3 and Appendix 4.
Name, address, and telephone number of the principal office of the equipment manufacturer, and name and title of the person to contact.
In the case of a unit of equipment (i.e., the insulated body with its mechanical refrigerating appliance installed) that has been tested to serve as the reference equipment for serially-produced equipment:
The manufacturer's make and model number for the equipment, including a brief description of the equipment and enclosure of any brochure on the equipment which might be available.
The basis upon which the equipment meets the definition of serially-produced equipment, with respect to the reference equipment.
A statement that the equipment was manufactured at the same plant at which the reference equipment was manufactured.
In the case where the mechanical refrigerating appliance and the insulated body have been tested separately:
From the test report, the effective refrigerating capacity, W, in watts, of the appliance at an outside temperature of 30 °C and the inside temperature (see ATP, Annex 1, paragraph 3 and Appendix 4) for the class of equipment for which certification is sought. “W” must be equal to, or greater than, the increased heat transfer rate, Hi, for the reference insulated body. See paragraph (3)(iii) below.
Name and address of the plant at which the identical appliances and reference appliance were manufactured.
The manufacturer's make, model number, and a brief description of the appliances with enclosure of any brochure on the appliances which might be available.
A statement that the appliances meet the definition of identical mechanical refrigerating appliances.
The total heat transfer rate of the body, Ht =S×K×Δ T, in watts, where: “S” is the mean surface area of the body, from the test report; “K” is the heat transfer coefficient of the body, from the test report; and, “Δ T” is the difference in degrees Kelvin between an outside temperature of 30 °C and the inside temperature for the class of equipment for which certification is sought.
The increased beat transfer rate, Hi, obtained by multiplying the total heat transfer rate Ht, by the factor of 1.75.
Name and address of the plant at which the serially-produced bodies and reference body were manufactured.
The manufacturer's make, model number, and a brief description of the bodies, with any brochure on the bodies which might be available.
The basis upon which the bodies meet the definition of serially-produced bodies, with respect to the reference insulated body.
A statement that each mechanical refrigerating appliance, after it was installed in the body, was operated and thoroughly checked and that each appliance functioned properly.
A statement that each body and each appliance has affixed to it a manufacturer's plate or other means of identification which shows the items of information required by ATP, Annex 1, paragraph 6.
A statement that each unit of equipment, before it is put into service, will have affixed to it a certification plate and distinguishing mark as specified in ATP, Annex 1, Appendix 1, paragraphs 4 and 5, and Appendixes 3 and 4.
A list showing, for each unit of equipment, the serial number of the body and the corresponding owner's equipment identification number.